A lot
of couples who
plan to tie-a-knot choose
certain hot date for their wedding
ceremony. And this year's hot date is on
the 10th of October 2010 because it will be simplified as
I was approached by a few couples months ago to discuss
about their wedding on hot date. However,
Nurkhasiah and Kimi booked me in
the first place, paid deposit and
agreed to all the terms
and conditions.
The actual plan
was for me to create
their home wedding dias, complete
with flower arch at the front door. But in the
end, the couple wanted me to do make over as well.
Henna Design for the bride, designed by Nurhayat Jemat
Malam Belulut: the bride is wearing Lengga
Home Dias in Hot Red and White
Makeover for Wedding Reception on 10-10-10
Before After
Idea and Concept by NazzibsamaD
Exclusive Home Dias, Flower Arch and VIP table deco by The Bridal Department
The Bride's Makeover for Akad, Belulut and Sanding by NazzibsamaD
Hair by Naim Roslan
Hair and Makeup for Groom by Latoya Adris
Henna Design by Nurhayat Jemat
Accessories for Bersanding by The Bridal Department.