Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Noir et Blanc

The groom
specifically wants
us to style his wedding.
He specifically wants a simple
theme of black and white with draping
all over their living room including
the ceiling. Not to mention
Meja Beradab.

Noir et Blanc

Black and white home dias

Idea and concept: NazzibsamaD
Dias decor by NazzibsamaD, Norhayat Jemat, Adul Adyth and Hafiana
All floral arrangement by NazzibsamaD and Norhayat Jemat.


Puteri Kayangan?@#$%???? said...

Menarik .. warnanya .. semakin cantik ilham kitak :)

NazzibsamaD said...

TQVM dear...

Caroline Benedicta Wilson said...

Nice!! Very cool feeling..

Unknown said...

Pm saya harga utk pelamin ni shj.


Gubahan  Dulang Hantaran Mohd Naim Roslan &  Mahani Mohamad Kampung Hilir,  Sri Aman,  Sarawak BY NAZZIBSAMAD ...